
十大赌博靠谱信誉网站 Course Modalities


Tech Tool 


Device and Internet Connection


1:1 Technology

(degree-seeking students taking 3+ credits)


The new Lenovo Laptops have Windows 11 Pro. These laptops can be set up without internet. If you have slower internet speed at home, you may want to consider downloading your Office 365 package on campus.

Talk to your Student Service Representative for more details:  

Macy- Crystal 402-241-5905, Janelle 402-241-5909, Santee- Chrissy 402-267-2904;  Chastity 402-241-5920; Online- Yasmeen 402-241-5947;SSC - Raquel 531-242-4152; 

MiFi Internet Access

(Contact Student Services for details)


十大赌博靠谱信誉网站 can help connect students to internet access for those who live within service area of internet towers near both Macy and Santee, as well as surrounding areas of the Omaha and Santee Reservation.  

Talk to your Student Service Representative for more details:  

Macy- Rex 402-241-5976, Crystal 402-241-5905, Janelle 402-241-5909; Santee- Chrissy 402-267-2904, Chastity 402-241-5920;  

Office 365 Pro Plus for Faculty and Students


Nebraska Indian Community College is providing Microsoft Office to every student free of charge. This means the latest version of the full Office productivity suite, including Word, Excel, PowerPoint, OneNote, and more available for offline and online use to best prepare you for class. As long as you’re a student here and the program continues, you’ll be able to use this software for free.
  • Install on up to 5 compatible PCs and Macs, plus tablets (including iPad!)
  • Use with OneDrive for automatic device file syncing
  • Gain valuable skills on the world’s most popular productivity software
  • Use the same programs as your professors to ensure full file compatibility

To get your Office follow these simple steps:

For PC and Mac:

  1. Visit
  2. Click through to sign in with school-provided credentials & download
  3. On the installation page select your language and click install

For iOS and Android:

Download from your app store

You will need your e-mail address ex: (student e-mail begin with your location - Mac for Macy, San for Santee and SSC for South Sioux City) to sign in. If you have trouble installing Office, this guide may resolve your issue:

Office 365 FAQs

Office Training Center

十大赌博靠谱信誉网站 Classes  


Canvas by Instructure 



Canvas is 十大赌博靠谱信誉网站’s Online Learning System. Here you can access class materials, submit assignments, use the gradebook, view the online syllabus AND MORE from any mobile device. Check out the 十大赌博靠谱信誉网站 Student Orientation page to meet your 十大赌博靠谱信誉网站 family and learn about more resources we have on all three campuses 


  1. Download the app most appropriate for your device (see above).  

  1. Select Nebraska Indian Community College as your institution.  

  1. Login with your 十大赌博靠谱信誉网站 email and the password you chose. 

十大赌博靠谱信誉网站 Communication  

Microsoft Teams


Teams App

Microsoft Teams is the primary virtual class meeting platform that 十大赌博靠谱信誉网站 uses. This virtual meeting location is tied to your 十大赌博靠谱信誉网站 Office 365 Account and is easy to access through your email. You can meet virtually, send chats, access class recordings (if applicable) and join classes on this platform. You can join through the browser, download to computer (if not already there), or download via your device’s app store.

How to Download Microsoft Teams (Links to an external site.)

Zoom (depending on instructor) 



Zoom is an alternate method for screen-to-screen communication. Zoom will not need to be downloaded unless specified by instructor. You can talk face-to-face with a video call, share your screen, use chat, and more.  


For more info. Check out Zoom’s website  

Email (app)

Outlook 2016



iCloud Mail  

Your mobile device may already have a default email app that you can use for your 十大赌博靠谱信誉网站 email, or you can use the Outlook 2016 app. This app is available on mobile devices as well as on employee’s computers.  

Settings you may need to add your 十大赌博靠谱信誉网站 e-mail: 

  • Type: Exchange Server 

  • Example Jane Doe, Student ID 123456, from Santee Campus
  • E-mail address: 

  • Default Password First 3 letters of your first name capitalized and your student ID.  JAN123456
  • *Note* Student email address will begin with the campus code (e.g., san for Santee, ssc for South Sioux City and mac for Macy).  

  • Username:  sanjdoeDomain:  theniccServer Address:  mail.lyhymh.netUse secure connection:  SSL 

Saving Your Documents  



One Drive | Aggiornamento alla versione 3.6 per Windows Phone 8 ...MS 의 클라우드 서비스 OneDrive 드라이브의 좋은 점 ...  

OneDrive is a file hosting service that allows users to sync files and later access them from a web browser or mobile device. Within OneDrive, users can upload, create, edit and share files in Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint and OneNote. In addition, Office Online tools allow multiple users to simultaneously collaborate.  


For more information: 

  • Use work or school account 

  • Username: 

  • Password:  Same as your e-mail password. 

Google Drive



Similar to OneDrive, Google Drive is a place to save all of your files and access them from multiple devices using your Gmail login information. Within Google Drive you can use several tools: Google Docs (similar to Word), Google Sheets (similar to Excel), Google Slides (similar to PowerPoint), etc. You can also collaborate with others across the web. An added feature is the accessibility to work offline. Your file then syncs/updates once you are reconnected to wi-fi. 


*Note* You will need to create a Gmail username and password if you don’t have one already. 

Study and Organize 


(embedded in Canvas) 


TutorMe is available 24/7 in all 十大赌博靠谱信誉网站 Canvas Courses. 365 days a year, you can log in and meet face-to-face with a tutor to help you learn. You can also submit your papers to the Writing Center embedded in tutor me. Tutors are available at any time- 7 am, 5pm, 3 am, and more. You can also return to the same tutors if you have tutors you prefer to work with. 


In each 十大赌博靠谱信誉网站 Canvas Course’s menu bar, you can find the TutorMe connection, which will log you in and allow you to begin tutoring or submit via the writing help desk.  


Tiny Scanner OR Cam Scanner 


Cover art  

Both Tiny Scanner and Cam Scanner turns your mobile device into a portable document scanner and you can scan everything as images or PDFs. These pdf document scanner apps are accessible on a variety of mobile devices (phone and tablet). 


*Tiny Scanner may allow you to scan several pages and still save it as one cohesive PDF document. 




NaturalReader is a site that allows you to turn your PDFs into audio. NaturalReader reads the text to the user, and it also features fonts accessible to dyslexic users. Can be downloaded from the website, the Apple Store, as well as connected via Chrome and other interfaces. Free version is available on the web, and an updated version is available on your device’s app store.  

Learn more here: NaturalReader's website 

Mendeley OR Zotero  

(web and/or app) 



Both Mendeley and Zotero are dedicated to helping make researching and writing easier. These sites help with citations and references and can also help you organize all your research articles into one place.  



Learn more about Zotero: 


Scribbr APA Citation Generator

Accurate APA citations, verified by experts, trusted by millions.


Prezi/Prezi Viewer



Prezi is great for making presentations more visually appealing. It feels more interactive than traditional slides/power points and is very user-friendly. You can chose between a wide variety of styles and layouts and allows you to see presentations as a concept map or bigger picture.  


For more details, check out: 








Soundcloud is a platform that allows for users to upload audio for free. This application is used for music, podcasts, or even recordings for class. SoundCloud is especially helpful for its wide accessibility to listen to and upload new content.  


Learn more at:  




NebraskAccess is an online database that’s free to all Nebraskans. A driver’s license or school code will allow you to do a personalized search by category. You can access journal articles, magazines, books, and even find books available for inter-library loan. 


Talk to your librarian for more information, as well as check out NebraskAccess at: 


Google Scholar


Google Scholar helps connect students to online resources. Google Scholar can help students find journal articles, books, or other online periodicals. It can also help with citations  


For more information check out:  


Google Books


Google Books helps connect students to books through PDFs, online copies, or physical copies for sale. Google Books also helps with citations as well as giving students previews of books before checking them out or purchasing.  



Survey Monkey



Survey Monkey is a great tool to gauge opinions of your students, coworkers, or community members. You can organize preferences for meeting times and locations, voting items, and even to engage students in the classroom. It also can be a great tool to explain surveys and research for educational purposes. Users create their own surveys and design it to fit their specific need.  


Learn more about it on the Survey Monkey Website. 




Design flyers, social media posts, resumes, and so much more. Canva uses fresh, modern templates that are already created and lets you update the color, photos, text, etc. The finished design can be downloaded as a PDF, JPEG, and other formats. You can also collaborate with others to co-create designs.  


Check out more at Canva's Website. 




Scheduling meetings made easy- Doodle Poll allows you to create a poll with multiple dates/times to arrange meetings with individuals and groups.  


Find out more here: Doodle's Website 


In case you are interested in exploring tools beyond this list, please check out the compilation from Times Higher Education. It features a list of A-Z tools others in academia are using to succeed: